Educational CyberPlayGround ®

Language Liberation and the Thought Police

Pedantic Scholarship, History and Myth Making Miss the Big Picture

Samuel Johnson 1748-1759 and in 1746 he was commissioned by a consortium of printers to compile an English Dictionary. The Dictionary of the English Language was eventually published in 1755. It was not (as is often claimed) the first English dictionary. It went through numerous editions, until the publication in 1928 of the Oxford English Dictionary.

What is the Difference Between Information and Propaganda?



Robert Burchfield the former editor of the Oxford English Dictionary rewrote the dictionary by deleting thousands of words with foreign roots and blaming it on his predecessors. Robert Burchfield died in 2004 aged 81 was OED editor throughout the 70s and 80s. Sarah Ogilvie, also a former OED editor, revealed how Burchfield started a rumour that his earlier editors of the OED were inward-looking anglocentrics, when in fact the opposite was true and it was Burchfield himself who was deleting foreign words. Part of the scandal lies in the fact that usually when a word enters the OED it never leaves. She compared Mr Burchfield's four OED dictionaries published between 1972 and 1986 to a 1933 edition and found that he had erased 17 per cent of the 'loanwords' and world English words that had been included by OED editor Charles Onions, who included 45 per cent more foreign words than Burchfield. Deleted words include 'balisaur', a badger-like animal from India, 'Danchi', a Bengali plant and 'boviander', the name in British Guyana for a person of mixed race living on the river banks.



A landmark decision in 2005 by editors of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary

They finally recognized the error of their ways.
Beginning with the next edition, the word Ni<>gg<>er will no longer be synonymous with African-Americans.

You can't think without words. Whoever is in charge of language controls the conversation. There is a controversial hypothesis advanced early in the last century by Benjamin Lee Whorf, a student of Sapir's. Whorf argued that the words in our vocabulary determine how we think. "We see and hear and otherwise experience very largely as we do because the language habits of our community predispose certain choices of interpretation."

The Sneaky Sneaks the Dictionary Dicks, publisher$, editor$, online player$, and word a dayer$ who control what words mean and therefore the conversation.
Sneaky Dictionary Dicks are the thought police, they
are not Irish Subject Scholars but simply ordinary people; who happen to control what gets into a print dictionary. And just like any other ordinary person, they can be arrogant, ignorant, sexist, classist, and very wrong, like they are being now by refusing to acknowledge substantiated evidence and by refusing to acknowledge and print what the words really mean.

"`And only ONE for birthday presents, you know. There's glory for you!'
`I don't know what you mean by "glory,"' Alice said.
Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. Of course you don't -- till I tell you.
I meant "there's a nice knock-down argument for you!"'
`But "glory" doesn't mean "a nice knock-down argument,"' Alice objected.
`When _ I _ use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, `it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less.'
`The question is,' said Alice, `whether you CAN make words mean so many different things.'
`The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, `which is to be master - - that's all.' "


Information vs. Propaganda

Military's Information War Is Vast and Often Secretive

The media center in Fayetteville, N.C., would be the envy of any global communications company. In state of the art studios, producers prepare the daily mix of music and news for the group's radio stations or spots for friendly television outlets. Writers putting out newspapers and magazines in Baghdad and Kabul converse via teleconferences. Mobile trailers with high-tech gear are parked outside, ready for the next crisis. The center is not part of a news organization, but a military operation, and those writers and producers are soldiers. The 1,200-strong psychological operations unit based at Fort Bragg turns out what its officers call "truthful messages" to support the United States government's objectives, though its commander acknowledges that those stories are one-sided and their American sponsorship is hidden.
"We call our stuff information and the enemy's propaganda," said Col. Jack N. Summe, then the commander of the Fourth Psychological Operations Group, during a tour in June. Even in the Pentagon, "some public affairs professionals see us unfavorably," and inaccurately, he said, as "lying, dirty tricksters."

Pedantic Scholarship and Myth Making
they Miss the Big Picture

Education is compartmentalized, and social studies which should be able to - doesn't deliver the big picture. We use the net to interrupt the $tate $anctioned text book$ who have bought the right to have publishers print the myths that they want to you to believe but do not really explain what happened. We interrupt the education text book and Dictionary industry $upply chain.
The Educational CyberPlayground's Linguistics and Literacy areas will explain all the moves made by all the players - - not just those pieces of information that the government has paid publishers to print, but the hard facts of history made by documented known and unknown culture makers who have been censored by the corporate and government sanctioned myth makers.


Example of Pedantic
Professor [FILL IN THE BLANK] lectures were so pedantic that his students sometimes had a tough time understanding the big picture. It is important to understand pedantic terminology before we begin . . .

PEDANTIC -- pe·dan·tic adj.
  1. Characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious concern for book learning and formal rules: a pedantic attention to details.
  2. emphasizing minutiae or form in scholarship or teaching; strict; meticulous
  • Synonyms: pedantic, academic, bookish, donnish, scholastic -- These adjectives mean:
  1. marked by a narrow, often tiresome focus on or display of learning and especially its trivial aspects:
  2. a pedantic writing style
  3. an academic insistence on precision; a bookish vocabulary;
  1. donnish refinement of speech;
  2. scholastic and excessively subtle reasoning.
SCHOLASTIC scho·las·tic adj.
  1. Of or relating to schools; academic.
  2. often Scholastic Of, relating to, or characteristic of Scholasticism.
  3. Adhering rigidly to scholarly methods; pedantic. See Synonyms at pedantic.
  4. NOUN often Scholastic A Scholastic philosopher or theologian.
  5. A dogmatist; a pedant.
    Pedant Etymology: Middle French, from Italian pedante
    1 obsolete : a male schoolteacher
    2 a : one who makes a show of knowledge
    2 b
    : one who is unimaginative or who unduly emphasizes minutiae in the presentation or use of knowledge
    2 c : a formalist or precisionist in teaching


Teachers are sometimes labeled "pedagogues" if they're pedantic -- that is, overly strict, close-minded, and self-important. And the word "pedagogue" comes from Greek Antiquity, where it referred to the slave who led his master's children to school.

"It should be the chief aim of a university professor to exhibit himself in his own true character -- that is, as an ignorant man thinking, actively utilizing his small share of knowledge." -- Alfred North Whitehead

A "pedagogue" -- at bottom -- is simply an "educator."

  • to lead, guide;
  1. (Gr. Antiq.) A slave who led his master's children to school, and had the charge of them generally.
  2. A teacher of children; one whose occupation is to teach the young; a schoolmaster.
  3. One who by teaching has become formal, positive, or pedantic in his ways; one who has the manner of a schoolmaster; a pedant. --Goldsmith.

DIDACTIC adjective

  1. intended to educate or instruct, esp. in moral values:
  2. showing or having a tendency to teach, preach, or moralize.
  • Similar Words: instructional {instruction}, educational, moralistic {moralist}, preceptorial {preceptor}, prescriptive
    Example: a didactic folk tale.


  1. something that is advocated or taught; teaching.
  2. a belief or system of beliefs held and advocated by a religious, governmental, academic, or other group; dogma:
  • Synonyms: teaching (3), tenet, belief (3) Similar Words: principle, axiom, dogma, precept


  1. Follow a knowledge in motion, a knowledge which progresses by moving back from the parts to the whole and from the whole to the parts
  2. Transcultural synthesis of apparently different disciplines, cultural decolonization.

I am guided by the following thoughts.

  • "The university is the last remaining platform for national dissent." ~ Dr. Leon Eisenberg
  • "In the social sciences, paradigms don't die; they develop varicose veins and get fitted with cardiac pacemakers." ~ Dr. Frederick Erickson
  • "A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it." ~ Max Planck
  • "Professors are running the scholarly stupidity model forward toward more future scholarly stupidity." ~ William Mason, Anti-Ph.D.

War Songs about Peace, Protest, Patriotism and Propaganda The melody for the Star Spangled Banner, came from "To Anacreon in Heaven" which was a popular drinking song



It's about The People's Right To Know!

dan cassidy

How the Irish Invented Slang
The Secret Language
of the Crossroads