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Bad Teachers

2011 Chicago public-school teachers are cheaters. Tackling the problem of cheating teachers. There have been some big scandals lately in Atlanta and I think in Washington, D.C. And Levitt, in Chicago, like eight or 10 years ago, you actually caught some teacher cheating. So the first question is, based on your experience, can we say how many teachers cheat?

College Cheaters: More than 10 percent of college students appear to have cheated. Students who set next to each other have roughly twice as many shared incorrect answers as would be expected by chance. when the students were assigned random seating during the final, instead of getting to pick their own seats, these correlations disappeared. A college professor suspected cheating in a class and proceeded to call in one of the most widely known economists in the world. The economist proceeded to turn it into a study and found at least 10% of the class cheating. And then a dozen students got in trouble because of it, but no hearings took place because of "pressure from parents."


Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 07:28:38 EDT
From: Bonnie Bracey <BBracey@AOL.COM>

In the Virtual Conference that the NEA/AFT is holding on the internet Linda Darling Hammond, Professor at Stanford University, gives this information from the forum. I was wondering if list members have an awareness of this data, and if reporters, and the complaining public have this data. My concern is that no matter what wonderful program we have, as we write it, as we use it, as we try new initiatives, I think we are getting sandbagged by this kind of thing. We know that there is a teacher shortage, but if people who do not know the pedagogy, do the teaching as she states here from What Matters Most,

What can we do? How does this affect those of us who do a great job? Are there lots of exceptions , i.e. do you have really positive stories of people who were hired with no teaching experience who did an excellent job. And , isn't the digital divide a chasm into which teachers and learners are punished for the location of the school, and its resources.
By Linda -Darling Hammond

In recent years, more than 50,000 people who lack the training required for their jobs have entered teaching annually on emergency or substandard licenses.

Nearly one-fourth (23%) of all secondary teachers do not have even a minor in their main teaching field. This is true for more than 30% of mathematics teachers. Among teachers who teach a second subject, 36% are unlicensed in that field, and 50% lack a minor in it.

Fifty-six percent of high school students taking physical science are taught by out-of-field teachers, as are 27% of those taking mathematics and 21% of those taking English. The proportions are much greater in high-poverty schools and lower-track classes. In schools with the highest minority enrollments, students have less than a 50% chance of getting a science or mathematics teacher who holds a license and a degree in the field in which he or she teaches. In the nation's poorest schools, where hiring is most lax and teacher turnover is constant, the results are disastrous.

Thousands of children are taught throughout their school careers by a parade of teachers without preparation in the fields in which they teach, inexperienced beginners with little training and no mentoring, and short-term substitutes trying to cope with constant staff disruptions.It is more surprising that some of these children manage to learn than that so many fail to do so. <My words>

but in the nation's poorest schools there are people who are dedicated to the mission . Is there a reward for this beyond the selfsatisfaction that results from within, when you know you have made a difference? What are the rewards for the warriors in the chasms?